@Judahonthebeats Choose Wisely Video

Monday, March 23, 2009

Reasonable Doubt X Raheem

Raheem DeVaughn Studio Session - Reasonable Doubt Remix from Expressive Frontier Lifestyle TV on Vimeo.


Mouse aka The Waldorf Posterboy said...

I'm VERY VERY AMPED FOR THIS PROJECT TO DROP! Track is fucking crack, and it's just a snippet lol.

Anonymous said...

cant wait to hear this project but seriously tho this go go shit is tired homies. but waiting to hear the project.

Anonymous said...

Joints sounds good but yeah ^^^tired of that go go sound. Now they just pimpin the shit.

Anonymous said...

Joints sounds good but yeah ^^^tired of that go go sound. Now they just pimpin the shit.

J-$crilla of Guns-N-Butter/Inner Loop Records said...

for real this album is tuff. i think yall will fuck with it. this thursday we drop the album online and then the party and performances are that night. innerloopuncut.com for details