@Judahonthebeats Choose Wisely Video

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sticky Icky..........

Two men from Maryland were jailed in Nebraska after a state trooper
found 92 pounds of marijuana in their car during an Interstate 80
traffic stop, authorities said.

Anthony Coles, 45, and his passenger, 43-year-old Herbert Townsend, both
of Silver Spring, Md., each face a charge of possession of marijuana
with intent to deliver, according to the Nebraska State Patrol.

The trooper stopped their eastbound Dodge van Sunday in Lincoln for
speeding and following too closely.

The trooper asked to search the van after smelling marijuana. The
marijuana was hidden in luggage, authorities said.


J-$crilla of Guns-N-Butter/Inner Loop Records said...

fuck the police. those guys were most like drivers anyways. lets see if they snitch the real culprits out

T.E.F.L.O.N. said...

they just can't leave people alone these days huh?? damn shame...

Anonymous said...

legalize it! so close!

Mouse aka The Waldorf Posterboy said...


Anonymous said...

^^^ LMAO...I feel you Mouse!! Dat shyt right there nigga..Dat shyt right there nigga!! Woulda made this 4/20 fuckin grreeaat!! FOOOOCCCCCCCKKKKK!!!!
