Here's some dope Christian Hip Hop for you!
Thanks Dimez!
Hardlife Ent.
Shorty 1 Supreme
Lady Dy
White Folkz
Freight Train Records
Young Sleep
Brother Maniac
Fatal Sinz
DC Rap Divaz
DC'S Infamous Alorious
Yung 4Real
The New Familia
Sudden Distractions
The District Boyz
10 DMV HIP HOP/ NON HIP HIP TRENDS THAT MUST CEASE TO EXIST IN 2009Stop wearing Nike boots with every damn thing: You wear them with your church outfit, you wear them with your pajamas, you wear them with shorts. I mean come on. I like (not love) Nike boots too but damn give them a break in the 09.Don't not use the word swagg in your rhymes, your everyday vocab etc: This actually should have died in 07 but hey......Saying Wale, Tabi etc.. don't rep the DMV: They do rep the DMV and almost everything they do they stamp the DMV unlike others that have deals and or are in the press a lot. After you get a deal you rep where you from to the world and I believe by now their fans know they from the DMVDick riding the DMV movement: Some of you can care less about the DMV. Your just following because its the hot thing to do and you want to be someone within the movement. But the truth is only a few have been around way before the movement was a movement and want to see it become a solid part of the entertainment industry. STOP FAKING!DMV rappers presence on the DMV blogs is greater than their presence in the streets and/or at events: The industry is built and will always be built on relationships and the computer isn't the best way to go about having a relationship with someone in the game. Recording in your room and emailing the song doesn't equate to "grinding" Get out and about. And if your under clubbing age then still go down to the hot spots and play the let out. I did it when I was 17,18, 19. But then again some of you probably can't come out after the street lights come on or too scared to come out. Hahahaha just joking! Love.........Starting go go bands: Just because you and your 4 homies like go go doesn't mean you need to start a band. Let's be real go go bands ain't really making much bread these days (except for a few bands) so................its probably best to do something else in the go go game. Oh and please stop with he acronyms FTB, GGB, UPB etc.........please stop we can't keep up.Stop having the goo go awards every year: The same people win every damn year.Locs or with the fitted sitting on top of them things: Ok we know Wayne had something to do with the loc frenzy here because back in the day bammas used to look at you was crazy for having locs. Bammas used to live and die by having a fresh cut and/or shape up. But these youngins out here are looking down right dirty and you'll really all look a like. I bet you if Wayne cut his locs tomorrow 80% of the DMV would cut theirs. Hahahaha I got my locs for spiritual purposes but I'm sure a lot of these youngins didn't.Calling each other "son": Some lingo will never die here like Joe, bamma, moe etc because its dc created but "son" is New York invention and its time to give it back to them.Everyone wanting to rap: The success of few has motivated many and I am very happy to see people motivated but damn some of you know you shouldn't be rapping. Why are you trying to do a whole mixtape but you don't even know what bars are or how to arrange a song or better yet how to write lyrics. This rap ish is getting out of control. Same goes for beatmakers. And I call you beat makers because you make a beat and give or lease to a artist and let them do what the hell ever they want to do over your beat and you have no input on the record what so ever therefor your nothing but a beatmaker and a greedy one at that. You never accompany the artist to the studio, give input or hell you don't even format the beat correctly. I know fruitly loops, reasons and mpcs have motivated you to get in the beat game but your not a producer until you see the record all the way through. I know I'm going to get a lot of comments on this one but before I even owned my studio I went to every session and mix session when any artist was recording over my record so.........I pratice what I preach.THESE ARE NO PARTICULAR ORDER AND MAYBE YOU CAN HELP ME PUT THEM IN ORDER OR IF I MISSED ANYTHING PLEASE LET ME.IDEA INSPIRED BY XXLCAN'T WAIT TO SEE THE COMMENTS I GET ON THIS! HAHAHAHA