@Judahonthebeats Choose Wisely Video

Wednesday, September 2, 2009



Anonymous said...

So after a few days of being "kidnapped" in Greenville she was allowed to use a pay phone to call her family, but she didn't call the police! Why didn't her family call the police? The feds would have gotten involved right away because she was transported across state lines.

Also, she says she's not trying to damage a reputation, but then she throws in the part at the end about dude being gay? This story is susupect. Where's the report about this guy from an official source?

Mr. 40. Watt said...

Damn dat's real fucked up!!! Why dis bitch ass nigga gotta be nicknamed DJ tho dat's my nickname anmong F.A.M. & friends since birth...WTF!!! I'm telling yungenz 2 call me De-U.c.e. or D from now on.

- Mr. 40. Watt -


Unknown said...

ooooh snap thats my man though this gotta be fluke

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

what the fuck is yall the police or something....females like "thugz" and this is what happens..now she airing out this man bizness and we dont even know his side of the story...whover posted this up is a damm clown!!!!get off the bitch DICK NIGGA!!!just by reading this I can tell the bitch got mental problems...niggas lame as shit

Tony_25_Macq said...

Lol what side of the story are you lookin for my dude? He didnt get shot in the neck. He didnt get kidnapped.

DJ Torkaveli said...

You cut off the part where it says "Forward this to 8 people and Bill Gates will send you a check for $50 and I got a million in a Nigerian bank I need your help to retrieve" lol