Sugar Bear got his start with EU which stands for Experience Unlimited. EU
is one of DC's original go-go bands. The group formed in the late 1970's
and helped define, refine and combine the musical components of the DC
Go-Go Culture. EU produced the most recognized song in go-go history, "Da
Butt " which was featured in Spike Lee's 1988 film "Skool Daze" after Lee
saw the band perform. Also, the song "Livin' Large included a version of
"It's Your Thing," performed with Salt-N-Pepa. After its hits, they toured
clubs and colleges world-wide.
EU is the only go-go group to score a #1 spot on the R&B singles charts.
EU was partly defunked and members Ju-Ju and Bear started with a new band
called Maiesha & the HipHuggers in the late 1990's. When Maiesha starts
singing, Bear gets to bassin and William "Ju-Ju" House gets to crankin on
the drums - hang it up you will start zoning.....
Popular EU & Maiesha & the HipHugger songs include "Freeze," "Shake it
Like a White Girl," "People in the House - Let's Roll Call," and "Um Bop
Bop" "Take da picture".
I am certain that he is alive and doing well. However, I am uncertain if
he has been released from the hospital to date!! Please pray for his full
Thanks Toya!
This has been a circulated email hoax in the past week.
Unless something has just happened, this is BS
YO real rap suga taught at tc willy in the golden era he was succh an influence in those hallways its great that i got the opportunity to walk and talk with him everyday in tc and i send my regards to his WORLDWIDE Family!
to the most high,
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