@Judahonthebeats Choose Wisely Video

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Message from Tabi................

Happy *2009*! Bonneyrunway.com would like to thank you *for your continued support by providing a special, limited-time offer.

1. *"YY"* Logo Tee (Red w/ gold logo)

2. "J'Aime" *Long* Sleeve Thermal (Olive Womens, Brown Mens)

3. *"YY"* Logo Womens Hoodie (Red w/ gold logo)

SHOP NOW @ www.bonneyrunway.com for FIVE DAYS ONLY to take advantage of this special offer!

Again, thank you for the continued support and remember the "DOPE" album drops January 20th!

1 comment:

dcmusicandmodels said...

Lookin' forward to more good music from you Tabi...and respect what you doin' on da business level.

The lesson here is: Diversify your hustle folkz
