this shit is so cornball. PROP and NYTY you dudes are so fucking wack.
you getting like 200 hits on the zshare and so pressed to be like local cats who is "on" by putting out these lame ass battles.
and your ad-lib giggles are so toy.
all this e-rap DMV beef shit makes me miss the days of FREESTYLE UNION and STATE OF THE UNION when a wack ass attention-hungry mc would get his ass served.
you youngns know nothing bout that. you were 4.
you sound so lame on this PROP.
Judah please stop posting this cornball shit. for real. i mean, you ain't trying to battle anyone, so why you encouraging this shit. you got something on Lyriciss???
Naw son...Naw. Cuz got a lil word play but that was str8 up Corny. I aint mad at em for battling tho. Its healthy lyrical exercise...But that is not gonna put DMV on the map.
Weeeeeaaaak SAUCE! LLS! This bamma has an unhealthy obsession with another man.
this shit is so cornball.
PROP and NYTY you dudes are so fucking wack.
you getting like 200 hits on the zshare and so pressed to be like local cats who is "on" by putting out these lame ass battles.
and your ad-lib giggles are so toy.
all this e-rap DMV beef shit makes me miss the days of FREESTYLE UNION and STATE OF THE UNION when a wack ass attention-hungry mc would get his ass served.
you youngns know nothing bout that. you were 4.
you sound so lame on this PROP.
Judah please stop posting this cornball shit. for real. i mean, you ain't trying to battle anyone, so why you encouraging this shit. you got something on Lyriciss???
Naw...He had a lil word play but cuz is corny for that 1. Sound a lil sweet on that track too.
Naw son...Naw. Cuz got a lil word play but that was str8 up Corny. I aint mad at em for battling tho. Its healthy lyrical exercise...But that is not gonna put DMV on the map.
J Roc It Man
Man, these dudes going at niggas for your local debut is the worst move you could pull period. Fuck this guy, go play in traffic
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