This dude tried to scream at Joey's girl on myspace...Joey put him on blast now he all of a sudden isn't a fan anymore..he a clown an I wish he wasn't from the DMV!
Mo betta took the words right out of my mouth...I wish he wasn't from the dmv!!!!! This def gotta be some dude from fredericksburg or stafford or something!!!!!!!! Can't be no alexandria nigga. That dude should be banned. Anybody got dude's Myspace? He should be lynched for that corny shit.lmao
i'm ridin with Joe Budden on this can't be mad cuz you sent corny-ass messages on MySpace to holla at his girl and he went on you. you gotta take that L and keep it movin with the corny shit, joe
This dude tried to scream at Joey's girl on myspace...Joey put him on blast now he all of a sudden isn't a fan anymore..he a clown an I wish he wasn't from the DMV!
LOL so THIS is the dude
Pahahahah OWNED!
He tryna start a movement because of a Myspace jumpoff. Nah I dont believe it.
Mo betta took the words right out of my mouth...I wish he wasn't from the dmv!!!!! This def gotta be some dude from fredericksburg or stafford or something!!!!!!!! Can't be no alexandria nigga. That dude should be banned. Anybody got dude's Myspace? He should be lynched for that corny shit.lmao
bamma ass niggas
heres the vid where joe was making fun of him... much better than the FBJ one...
Why Joe Budden got the other dude lounging around in his bedroom with Joe's girl in the bed?
Ay young?!?! These niggas is some cold gooons joe!! You know, I'm officially disgusted, I aint even got nuthin else to say
*covers his face and shakes his head*
i'm ridin with Joe Budden on this can't be mad cuz you sent corny-ass messages on MySpace to holla at his girl and he went on you. you gotta take that L and keep it movin with the corny shit, joe
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