Friday, May 21, 2010

Andrew Morris "Carry Me Home" (Remix)

Andrew Morris Jr is not your average kid on the block. This 21-year old Silver Spring, MD native is a fresh face to the music industry and has been working diligently to become a household name. However, his diligence just might pay off with the release of his highly anticipated debut mixtape, “The Gift”, in which Andrew has been working on for the last year. His ability to express his emotions, dreams, and struggles using a clever sense of wordplay makes him the skilled lyricist he is today.Without any industry help or management, Andrew has continued to work hard to create a buzz for himself. It is a constant struggle for an artist to find himself, and while many get lost in the search, Andrew is proof that it is all possible with hard work and dedication. “I am my worst critic when it comes to following through on my goals in life. But I take that as a positive, because we all need polishing somewhere.”

1 comment:

  1. U truly are a gift. It takes hard work and commitment to make it through, and u carry both those qualities. Stay strong and never back down. Ur day will come to where ur gonna make it to the top.. Much love to u always and forever.. Angel.
